Hayes Franklin Stripling | Newborn Session

Oh, baby Quincy.......
This little boy just makes my heart smile.  I've been waiting for him for nearly 2 years now!  His momma and I met while I worked at Entergy.  You know those people you are instantly drawn to?  Jenny was definitely one of those for me.  She's smart, kind, humble, generous, considerate, makes you want to be a better person, on and on...but seriously, all those great qualities I look for in a friend, she has.
While we worked together, Jenny and daddy Hayes began their journey towards baby Quincy.  I was blessed to be a part of their journey through friendship, prayers, and photography.
After 36+ hours of labor (gah!), these two wonderful people had a perfect little 6 pounds 14 ounces, 20 inches long baby boy to carry on the family name!

And...a little snippet from our maternity shoot last November:)

Staci & Family | January 2016

It was a cold, windy afternoon when I we met up for Staci's family's mini session.  It's not very often you get 5 cooperative, happy people together for a photo session in weather like that!
I'm so happy to be sharing these photos with all of you.  This woman is a strong, encouraging lady and I am so glad we met.  She has an incredibly warm heart and would probably knock me out of the way to grab a baby.  Haha!  We definitely share a love for the little ones.
Shannon and Mike, it was great meeting you both!  Chloe and Lane, your little smiles melt my heart.

The K Family - January 2016

I love when a session begins and my wonderful clients start off with, "This is our first time to have professional pictures done as a family."  Little G and V were just so cute.  We were able to get some wonderful photos in-between Miss. V's tongue sticking-out-shots...haha...of course many of those were cute too:-).  I mean, kids are going to be kids, right?  My favorite shots are those that are unplanned, the ones where mom and dad are just playing with the kiddos, loving on them.  Family being family.  Thank you guys for letting me spend some time with you and get a little bit of your family on my camera.